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GMetrics - Creating a MetricSet

Creating a Groovy MetricSet File

GMetrics provides a Groovy DSL (domain-specific language) for defining MetricSets.

A Sample Groovy MetricSet

The preferred syntax for defining a MetricSet is to specify the list of Metrics using the Metric names. Here is simple example:

metricset {

    description 'A simple MetricSet'

    ClassCount          // specify metric name only (note no "Metric" suffix on metric name)

    FieldCount {        // configure the Metric using a Closure
        functions = ['total']

    MethodCount([functions:['total'])    // configure the Metric using a Map of properties

Things to note:

A More Comprehensive Groovy MetricSet

Here is an example of a more comprehensive Groovy MetricSet file, illustrating specifying Metrics by Metric class or Metric name, and also nested MetricSet files:

import org.gmetrics.metric.cyclomatic.CyclomaticComplexityMetric

metricset {

    description 'An example MetricSet'


    metric( {
        functions = ['average', 'maximum']

    metric(CyclomaticComplexityMetric)      // specify metric class (see import)

    ClassCount          // specify metric name only (note no "Metric" suffix on metric name)

    FieldCount {          // specify metric name only
        functions = ['total']

    metricset("somepath/MyOtherMetricSet.groovy") {
        ClassLineCount {
            enabled = false

        MethodLineCount name:'CustomMethodLineCount'

Things to note:

About the “inner” metricset statements:

About the metric statements:

Turning off a Metric

You can turn off a Metric by setting its enabled boolean property to false. It defaults to true. This applies to all descendants of org.gmetrics.metric.AbstractMetric (i.e., all Metrics supplied with GMetrics).