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The class produces an HTML report of metric results in a single HTML table, with one row for each package, class or method (or closure field) and one column for each metric value (function) being calculated.

See a Sample Report.

Option Nested Elements

The option element is a child of the report element and defines a report-specific option for a report. supports the following options:

Attribute Description Required
functions The (comma-separated) list of functions for which results are included in the report for a particular metric. Multiple metrics are configured by separating them with semicolons (;). By default, all functions provided by a metric are included within the report. Any metrics not explicitly configured include all applicable functions as well. Valid function values are metric-specific, but typically include “total”, “average”, “minimum” and “maximum”. For example, a value of "MethodLineCount=minimum,average" for functions includes only the minimum and average function results for the MethodLineCount metric. Likewise, a value of "ABC=average; CyclomaticComplexity=total,maximum" includes the average function results for the ABC metric and the total and maximum function results for the CyclomaticComplexity metric. Note that all functions provided by any other metrics (not configured) are included. No
levels The (comma-separated) list of levels at which results are included in the report for a particular metric. Multiple metrics are configured by separating them with semicolons (;). By default, all levels are included for all metrics within the report. Any metrics not explicitly configured include all applicable levels as well. Valid level values are “package”, “class” and “method”. For example, a value of "MethodLineCount=class,method" for levels includes only the class and method level results for the MethodLineCount* metric. Likewise, a value of "ABC=method; CyclomaticComplexity=package,class" includes the method level results for the **ABC metric and the package and class level results for the *CyclomaticComplexity metric. Note that all levels are included for any other metrics not explicitly configured. No
reportLevels The (comma-separated) list of levels included in the report for all metrics. By default, all levels are included in the report. Valid level values are “package”, “class” and “method”. For example, a value of "package,method" for reportLevels includes only rows for the package and method. No
metrics The (comma-separated) list of names of the metrics included in the report. By default, all metrics within the results are included in the report. For example, a metrics value of "ABC, MethodLineCount" includes only the ABC and MethodLineCount metrics within the report. No
outputFile The path and filename for the output report file. No
title The title for the output report. No
writeToStandardOut Set to “true” or true to write out the report to stdout (System.out) instead of writing to a file. No


Here is an example Ant XML build file illustrating configuration of

  <taskdef name="gmetrics" classname="org.gmetrics.ant.GMetricsTask">
  <target name="runGMetrics">
        <report type="">
            <option name="outputFile" value="SampleGMetricsReport.html" />
            <option name="title" value="Sample" />
        <fileset dir="src">
            <include name="**/*.groovy"/>

And here is an example illustrating explicit configuration of the , and to be included within the report:

  <taskdef name="gmetrics" classname="org.gmetrics.ant.GMetricsTask">
  <target name="runGMetrics">
        <report type="">
            <option name="outputFile" value="SampleGMetricsReport.html" />
            <option name="title" value="Sample" />
            <option name="metrics" value="CyclomaticComplexity, ABC" />
            <option name="levels" value="CyclomaticComplexity=class,method; ABC=method" />
            <option name="functions" value="ABC=average; CyclomaticComplexity=total,maximum" />
        <fileset dir="src">
            <include name="**/*.groovy"/>