
Change Log




The class produces an HTML report of metric results based on a single metric, single level and single function to provide a single series of data.

The metric, level and function properties are required (must be non-null and non-empty). These three properties uniquely identify a single series of metric values.

See a Sample Report.

Option Nested Elements

The option element is a child of the report element and defines a report-specific option for a report. supports the following options:

Attribute Description Required
metric The name (case-sensitive) of a single Metric included in the analysis results (e.g. “CyclomaticComplexity”). Yes
level The single level at which results are included in the report. Valid level values are “package”, “class” and “method”. Yes
function The function for which results are included in the report. Valid function values are metric-specific, but are typically “total”, “average”, “minimum” or “maximum”. Yes
outputFile The path and filename for the output report file. No
title The title for the output report. No
writeToStandardOut Set to “true” or true to write out the report to stdout (System.out) instead of writing to a file. No
sort Controls whether the report results are sorted numerically. A value of null or empty means no sorting is performed; otherwise, the value must be either “ascending” or “descending”. No
maxResults Specifies the limit on the number of results included in the report. A value of null, zero or empty means no limit is applied; otherwise the value must be a positive integer. No
greaterThan Specifies a lower-bound threshold – only results with a larger value are included within the report. A value of null or empty means no lower-bound threshold is applied. No
lessThan Specifies an upper-bound threshold – only results with a smaller value are included within the report. A value of null or empty means no upper-bound threshold is applied. No


Here is an example Ant XML build file illustrating configuration of

  <taskdef name="gmetrics" classname="org.gmetrics.ant.GMetricsTask">
  <target name="runGMetrics">
        <report type="">
            <option name="outputFile" value="SampleGMetricsReport.html" />
            <option name="title" value="Sample" />
            <option name="metric" value="CyclomaticComplexity" />
            <option name="level" value="class" />
            <option name="function" value="average" />
            <option name="maxResults" value="50" />
            <option name="greaterThan" value="100.0" />
        <fileset dir="src">
            <include name="**/*.groovy"/>