
Change Log


MethodLineCount Metric

Metric for counting the number of lines for methods and closure fields. Note that this metric measures the number of lines from the first line of the method to the last line of the metric. The count includes all program statements, comment lines and whitespace.

Implemented by the org.gmetrics.metric.linecount.MethodLineCountMetric class.

Additional notes

Metric Properties

The following properties can be configured for this metric within a MetricSet. See Creating a MetricSet for information on the syntax of setting a metric property.

Property Description Default Value
enabled This boolean property controls whether the metric is enabled. If set to false, then the metric is not included as part of the results or the output reports. true
functions This List<String> property contains the names of the functions to be calculated at the method, class and package levels and (potentially) included within the report(s). Valid values are: “total”, “average”, “minimum”, “maximum” ["total","average"]
includeClosureFields This boolean property controls whether metric values are calculated for Closure Fields and treated as methods. A Closure Field is a field that is initialized to a Closure Expression, e.g., def myField = { println 12 }. true
